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Green and Purple Abstract



Providing healing-oriented support for those ailing in body, mind and/or behavior. Finding harmony and balance between usage and contribution to Earth.


A 4-year transition where through paced collective voting, Americans vote for the exact government we want moving forward. Intentionally managing the growth of technology.

  of the  

An Emergency Mediator Wing of the Police that, on-demand, mediates tough situations and conversations without guns, batons or slow

court dates.

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Greetings to my fellow human,

I am Daví ((dah-vee)) artist, tech founder and Ävatar of EarthIn New York City 2020, I vowed to ensure the sacred protection, harmony and natural evolution of humanity and Earth. 


In 2024, I wrote The Declaration of American Human Governance and earned The People's vote as the President of Earth Order: America, the non-federal pre-branch of American government lead by popular vote ensuring America's equality and democracy. 

We have to start taking our lives seriously.

Though it may seem too big and too far outside an individual's reach, election after election, the war and disaster we experience is the result of a choice that was made; now, we can make another...

Turquoise Sky

I'm here to present another way, another choice of vision called Earth Order,
that sees to us being able to
vote for exact government that we want
moving forward.

A new choice that provides equal salaries for chosen work. 

A new choice where all have access to quality housing. 

A new choice that covers all healthcare costs.

I am asking for your trust to lead so that we can lead, together.

How can we think different?

The Portal Talks with Ävatar Daví
Watch the final 2024 Presidential Campaign Speech titled The Movement of a Few Clicks. 

It's time for a new choice, a better choice for the American Human.

We all know a great change is needed. Our time-trusted forms of leadership have too-often failed us, it is now time for us to stop blaming and complaining and instead, take it upon ourselves to be the leadership to make that change.

I am a man experiencing and learning from the oppression, everyday struggle and undeveloped potential of this world like you. It was an honor to present to the first-ever presidential plan for equality and democracy in my 2024 presidential campaign; now it's time for us to work together to build it. 

All Americans deserve a fair chance at life and free choice of future. With Earth Order: America, there is a higher way of living, accepting, respecting and evolving with each other available [now] for all Americans to learn about and share.

Share [] with 9 people, a mind-freeing journey with just a few clicks. Donate or volunteer with us and let us all win. 


To become an Earth Order: America Participant​, sign The Declaration of American Human Governance and until April 4th, vote for Earth Order: America's Salary and Currency Name. You will be kept up to date on next steps via email.

We are alive to be a part of this moment. Here is a will, so there is a way, for us all to have a fair say, and a fair chance at life in America. With a collective focus we are building and living a real equality and democracy via Earth Order: America. 


Together, we are the Power of The People, working in harmony to shape a super(b) America!

Received. Thank you for joining.

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