Whole Community News:
Former presidential candidates to lead organization promoting direct democracy
A Presidential Win for Daví. In the face of experiencing a broken political election system first-hand during his 2024 American Presidential candidacy, Daví was inspired to write The Declaration of American Human Governance, the founding document of Earth Order: America, which states that American government must respect Americans as humans first, before any other rules, corporations or so-called “artificial intelligence”. This document declares American Human Governance over our American Government, adding a 4th branch of government based on popular vote, the first vote being president of America for 2024 who would lead this branch.
The winner of the vote was Daví and our Vice President, Suzzanna Tanner. On December 17th, 2024, Daví was elected by the First Signers of the Declaration of American Human Governance as the presidential candidate to lead the charge toward equality and democracy.
Daví and Suzzanna’s Acceptance Speech and Press Interview with journalist, Ryan Veli
It's Time for REAL Change - Daví for President interviewed by Ryan Veli Interview with trusted alternative media source, Ryan Veli covering The Declaration of American Human Governance and what it means to be a warrior in this time.
Unified Platform '24 Presidential Debate United Platform final 2024 Presidential Debate between Write-In Presidential Candidates.
The Movement of a Few Clicks Speech Watch Daví's riveting final 2024 campaign speech, The Movement of a Few Clicks, a transformative speech, the first of its kind using words, music, dance and more to portal you into a new thinking about democracy and equality. You've never seen a presidential speech like this. Write-in D-A-V-I on your General Ballot November 5th and sign the Declaration of American Human Governance!
Fireside Chat Daví and Vice Presidential Candidate, Suzzanna Tanner's Fireside Chat in honor of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, discussing housing and economy.
Campaign Update Vice Presidential Candidate, Suzzanna Tanner Announcement // Debate + Vote Invitation // Message to the Democrats, Republicans and Non-Independent Voters
Unified Platform '24 Presidential Debate After receiving 3rd Place out the candidates who ran for the Green Party Presidential Nomination, Daví shines in this presidential debate where multiple competing candidates commended his campaign during their own time for debating.
Whole Community News: Daví denied speaking slot as Oregon Greens play key role in ‘coronation’ 2024 Green Party candidate Daví shares the five-minute speech he was not allowed to present at the Presidential Nominating Convention August 17th.