[[2 A.A. Djehuty 17th]] - 1/17/2022 A.D.
On this day that America celebrates the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., honoring his bravery, I have proudly relaunched the effort to organize equality within humanity via Earth Order. It is time for humanity to take back our sovereignty from leadership that have abandoned the protection and evolution of humanity and to determine a bright destiny for humanity. I've done my best to clear my self as a vessel for this great effort and organize something that is simple to do and easy to understand. For the sake of our collective humanity, I hope that you will sign up and make a clear statement to yourself and the universe about the future that we collectively manifest.
[[1 A.A. Epiphí 2nd]] - 11/2/2021 A.D.
I stood as the only 2021 candidate for Mayor that via statehood could protect NYC's free will and free choice as unconstitutional mandates from the city, state and federal level continue; the only candidate to present a complete system of equality and not just tweaks towards it.
A lot of the truth that is now starting to come out in the mainstream news that I've known for over a year and a half, so in January I chose that instead of panicking people, standing idly by or trying to get credit as a whistleblower, I'd do the work to create and present a solution, a Mayoral platform based in Earth, the one concept that we can all agree to.
We only have the time that we have to make it better. This was emphasized to me by those who have recently transitioned such as DMX, Michael K. Williams, Chick Corea, Sarah Dash, my grandfather, Howard Hill and a once powerful mentor of mine and film legend, Melvin Van Peebles; each, a strong reminder to use time valuably.
Over this year I've spoken to thousands of New Yorkers that I wouldn't have otherwise, replied to every email, attended almost every event I was invited to and impacted millions more via my digital presence even as it was meticulously attacked and erased throughout the year. I'll never know if I did everything right but I did my best and I am proud of that.
I thank you for your support if it was as little as staying on the mailing list, sharing my campaign with someone or as big as voting for me tomorrow. The vote is a sacred declaration of self-determination, a reflection of each individual making a choice of leadership that is most in alignment with their beliefs based on all options presented.
I hope that my candidacy has encouraged you to accept your truth and the truth of our collective experience in a greater way. Truth is foundational to knowing that you're standing on rock and not quicksand. Truth is the basis of productivity and the only way to really move forward. The greatest truth of this time being - all is a product of intentions and actions; while the opposing intentions and actions are blatantly clear, there is no auto-pilot, we who believe in a chosen life, equality and growth must ourselves take responsibility for creating these things within our reality.
[[1 A.A. Pauní 17th]] - 10/17/2021 A.D.
There are no words, no songs, no poems already written that encapsulate the feelings of this moment. Yes, we are falling; yes, there are different perspectives on how we’re falling but as we think about it, our entire nation is actually in a silent chaos – financial systems completely out of control and rampant systematic murder. We have to do something.
Underneath the ignoring, the sarcasm, the “I knew it”, the blame, the “it’s confusing”, the silence, the fear.. lies the same question – where is the ground? Where is the foundation after this fall is complete? What will keep us together?
How long will we continue to analyze until we choose new ground, until we look for a new direction that we can agree to, that is good for all of us. This answer cannot and will not come from those powers that are murdering us and pulling us apart using media, money and technology. It has to come from each individual simply voting for a leader that represents what they want, regardless of any previous choice or pattern; that didn’t work.
Voting in an election, especially locally, is the one-place that all people are truly equal in the weight of their voice. Voting is private so there is no debate, there is no negotiation, there is just a choice made of perspective. Society then plays / lives out that perspective for 4 years.
There are only 4 perspectives to choose from for the Leader, the Mayor of New York City. My campaign is the only campaign that supports and protects the free-will, well-being and self-realization of Earth and every individual in this city.
We have to be smarter and think about the perspective that we truly want, if we want to survive, if we want to thrive, if we want to stop falling and have new fertile ground.
[[1 A.A. Paüní 2nd]] - 10/2/2021 A.D.
Incredibly, we are one month before the NYC Election Day (November 2nd). It’s been 9 powerful months of campaigning for Mayor and also coming up on my first year after accepting this sacred responsibility to be the Ävatar of Earth.
One thing I’ve learned from the thousands of conversations I’ve shared with people throughout all of the boroughs and beyond, is that my work is not to convince anyone to nurture the Earth they live in or to support the equality of mankind, my work is to be the option to do it. I am fighting for humanity regardless of if humanity thinks or realizes that we need to be fought for.
All things are possible, we just have to intentionally choose brighter possibilities, for brighter days.
[[1 A.A. Pakhon 22nd]] - 9/22/2021 A.D.
On this great Autumnal Equinox, Pakhon 22nd, we have shifted from the initiation phase and are moving into the activation phase of the Age of Aquarius. You may feel a certain quiet yet uncontrolled electricity in the air and even in your own body. Earth is increasing into being 5th Dimensional, we humans of Earth now have the capacity to increase into 4th dimensional beings.
4th dimensional human beings operate from a “we” conscious. Each using their time of living to self-discover in order to best contribute to the greater collective. Operating only from what is truth, from what is productive and in alignment with Earth.
There are some who will choose not to grow and/or cannot because of previously agreed-to contracts. Their experience of reality will become more and more intolerable as the unsustainable paradigms of the past are forced to reveal their faults more and more.
Our general system of living and growing will increase in efficiency more and more. As one of the many leaders of light and evolution emerging all over the world during this powerful time, I am both excited and prepared for the work that times of great transition require.
Forgive yourself repeatedly. Be kind to yourself as you allow yourself to grow -
I forgive myself… NOW I can choose what’s best from this point forward.
I will no longer allow a reality thoughtless and pointless destruction simply because people don’t want to think harder / think better. That is now a consequence they will bear the brunt of on their own.
Revel in the fact that this NOW is the low-point; from this point forward there will be no more trickery, just wizening, beautifying and growing.
By simply choosing love over fear, we will create a city and a reality that will be marveled for centuries to come.
I choose this reality – Earth Order, the reality of productivity, efficiency, creativity and fun; the reality of free will, self-respect and Earthly-respect; the reality of evolution. (3:21 PM ET)
[[1 A.A. Pakhon 17th]] - 9/17/2021 A.D.
Do you want to choose better or just keep reacting to worse?
[[1 A.A .Pakhon 11th]] - 9/11/2021 A.D.
The Titanic, (a fabulous luxury cruise boat,) on its way from England to New York City, crashed into an iceberg and sank in 1912 AD.
When it crashed, initially the crew of The Titanic, (a fabulous luxury cruise boat,) chose to keep up appearances because there was some small glimmer of hope in their mind that the underprepared captain would figure it out, their jobs would be kept and they’d make it to their destination.
Hope is unfounded; hope exists with no captain, no details, no investigation, no action; hope is only a first step in the achievement of any desire; hope alone is lazy. Unproductive.
Faith is diligent, investigative, curious and regularly moving in the right direction based on intentional experiences in correspondence with the desire. Productive.
As the ship sank, many passengers chose not to believe it was sinking, attacking anyone saying anything to the contrary of their luxury experience, until, they were suddenly fighting each other for rescue boats. Others silently accepted their fate and went to bed in their cabins. Others sang songs and played violins as the ocean rushed onto the main deck. Few took on the information seriously, listened to the one with the best plan for survival and not denial; believed they could survive and survived.
The question is not why so many died, the question is why didn’t more people work together and try to save their lives?
Lessons from The Titanic - in times of crisis, it is most important to:
1. Accept that there has been a change - release the egoic shock, release the moment of you previously not-knowing,
2. Prepare yourself to make a choice based on what’s best NOW, and not based on old perspectives.
3. Find true leadership. Find agreement on the best path in yourself and/or in another whose campaign, whose direction is clear and obviously productive.
4. Be willing to follow the path that leads to the agreed upon goals.
5. Survive and very possibly, thrive. Each trial exposes and develops that which is real and true foundation for living.
[[1 A.A. Pharmouthí 24th]] - 8/24/2021 A.D.
May I direct you to the last two points of the 4 Personal Distinctions in Earth Order
3. I am the keeper of my free will and others are the keepers of theirs’.
4. Everyone deserves a fair opportunity to live and thrive.
These are human / natural rights reemphasized within Earth Order. All humans have a right to choose what happens with their own body. If you believe that you can forcibly change what someone does with their body, you must also be ok with that same individual being able to tell you what do with your body. Any advice from your friend or "science" is just that, advice. Breaking human rights on a governmental level is crime against humanity and will not be forgotten. At the foundation of any society must be a basic respect for the individual in which they feel safe enough to grow and contribute.
To my NYC family, our protests, just like thousands around the world, are falling on deaf ears. No matter the current opinion, we elected who we elected. Reclaim your time, think strategically, hold on. Let's focus on this campaign and shaping the city want for November 2nd and beyond. No more reactionary politics. Real change, real growth in no unclear terms, made by intentional choice.
[[1 A.A. Pharmouthí 18th]] - 8/18/2021 A.D.
Our world is in its greatest crisis, can you meet me where I am?
If you see my intentions are good and could better humanity, can you meet me where I am?
There aren’t a lot of We the People in a direct fight for Earth and humanity, can you meet me where I am?
I don’t ask for more than a conversation, a sharing of ideas for comprehension, can you meet me where I am?
You already know how hard it is, can you meet me where I am?
The 'moving forward' has to start somewhere, can you meet me where I am?
I know you may see imperfections, can you meet me where I am?
I see yours too, can you meet me where I am?
[[1 A.A. Pharmouthí 4th]] - 8/4/2021 A.D.
This I offer. You may call it utopia, you may call it thrival, you may call you city-joy; it's your prerogative. This I offer. A wormhole into a new dimension. A dimension where things add up and subtract. A dimension that ensures that you and generations beyond you, have a fair shot at life and your vote counts fairly. A dimension where there is regular love and productivity, not regular blaring sirens, chaos and fear. A dimension where Earth is cared for in America. A dimension that is unapologetically free from this one. This I offer; a plan of growth, a gift of new vision which is now a real option for the future.
We release the struggle, thankful for all it's taught us. With no more complaints, we take responsibility as makers of today's collective civilization. The time is now to contribute to our moving forward.
Our world is in critical condition, we humans are in critical condition. If not now, how? If not you, who? WE must take the initiative.
[[1 A.A. Phamenoth 29th]] - 7/29/2021 A.D.
In the words of Maurice White of Earth, Wind and Fire -
you can't hide love.
[[1 A.A. Phamenoth 12th]] - 7/12/2021 A.D.
We've yet to receive the official numbers from the New York City Board of Elections, but I just want to thank all of you who voted for me in the Democratic Primary. Though I am an Independent Write-In Candidate and not a Democrat, what you've said to the Democratic Party is - "this is who you should be looking at". More importantly, your votes demonstrate that you value this campaign. As I rev up to campaign for the next 4 months and prepare for Mayorship, know that you have been of great inspiration to me.
In this campaign, we have the power and opportunity to stop being tricked into darker times; we have to power and opportunity to get off the default ride of doom or gloom and instead, take an independent route to collectively shape a New York City that we are excited to wake up to each day.
If you are a group or organization, we are open to meetings and speaking engagements. Feel free to use the CONTACT PAGE to inquire.
We are preparing a series of events for the Summer and Autumn 2021. Please be sure you are on the email list and stay tuned to bydavi.com for updates. As I deal with the hurdles in media, I greatly appreciate those of you who have been checking this Updates Page regularly. This site is the most reliable way for me to directly communicate with no censoring which is critical.
I am excited for our direction.
[[1 A.A. Phamenoth 2nd]] - 7/2/2021 A.D.
[[1 A.A. Mekhír 20th]] - 6/20/2021 A.D.
I celebrate Juneteenth, not only as a day that my Afrikan ancestors finally celebrated their freedom in the United States of America, I celebrate Juneteenth as a day to contemplate my personal understanding of the nature of freedom. I do this in the legacy of all great thinkers before me, for we are all people who are the product of hundreds of thousands of years of evolution, not just 400. The ground and ecosystem of New York City that allows us to have good weather, no earthquakes, a high-social energy, this land and this city are the product of the European, Afrikan, Latinx, Asian, Iroquois and Lenape peoples and millions of years of plant, fungi and animal development and evolution, not just 400.
I use this day as a springboard for my own life. To continue the important work of building a civilization of equality, purpose and growth with no fear, for if we do not who will? If we do not teach how a system of equality works, who will? If we do not rethink our education system from the ground-up, like they did nearly a century ago, who will? If we do not take care of our city’s people, land and waterways who will? If we do not who will? There is no one else to blame. It is time to stop telling old stories of destruction and teach new stories of building.
With all that has happened in the past, out of it, we’ve got some good foundation – an amazing city with powerful culture and infrastructure - bridges, streets, parks, tunnels, all that we take for granted because they were already here when we got here. We have the opportunity in our lives right now to stop being selfish and build collectively. To be brave enough to try, to imagine, to innovate for the whole and not just some. To use our lives, this chance of living, to shape the world and to get it right exactly. No if and or buts about it. Just as each the shapers of our current world have done.
When the bad things happen they happen EXACTLY as planned and no one knows it’s coming. It’s time for a good thing to happen EXACTLY as planned and this time we can ALL be in on it.
On another note, it's been a joy laughing and dancing with you all at the Juneteenth celebrations in Harlem and Queens this weekend. Thank you for all of the encouraging words for my campaign, for sharing with me your hearts and your hopes. Each interaction is a mutual inspiration.
[[1 A.A. Mekhír 18th]] - 6/18/2021 A.D.
Do you feel seen and respected as a human being?
Do you feel that you’ve had a fair shot to achieve your goals in life?
Do you feel happy to live in NYC?
Do you feel that you contribute to NYC?
I know we love NYC, let’s let NYC reciprocate that love, shall we?
I'll be stopping by the Mayor's Juneteenth Celebration today St. Nicholas Park - James Baldwin Lawn, 6pm. Come, say hey and we'll have a great conversation. Easy peasy.
[[1 A.A. Mekhír 4th]] - 6/4/2021 A.D.
After much anticipation, I will be participating in The Vote People for Change Mayoral Forum live in-person with some of the other candidates. I look forward breaking the digital wall and seeing you.
Format: Q&A and Open Forum
Date: Saturday, June 5, 2021, 2-5pm ET
Location: NYC Madison Square Boys & Girls Club
(155 St. & Bradhurst Ave.)
250 Bradhurst Avenue
NY, NY 10039
Train: C, D to 155 St. Station stop
Bus: M10, M3 to 155 St. stop
[[1 A.A. Tubí 27th]] - 5/27/2021 A.D.
This is not to say that I believe “utopia” will be created (because no one really knows what that is) but if “utopia” includes sustainability, thrival and evolution, the movement towards utopia is critical. We are either moving towards utopia or totalitarianism and anarchy. This is the choice we are faced with in this time, there is no middle ground. Capitalism’s wheels have fallen off and human morale is low.
Who is the enemy of utopia? Whom does utopia harm? Utopia only supports humans and Earth, who is an enemy to that? We should know who.
A fear of change doesn't belong in a state of suffering. We all deserve quality lives of purpose. Like the spring, is the time for rebirth and growth.
[[1 A.A. Tubí 17th]] - 5/17/2021 A.D.
May you be with those who love their own freedom enough to fully honor your freedom.
I am running for Mayor, I am not running to represent any particular party so regardless of party nomination, my promise is for November 2nd, 2022. As a write-in candidate, I have the brilliant opportunity to either continue as a write-in candidate or to be nominated by any party rather than just one.
I am the only candidate presenting a campaign that increases the national voting power of every New York City resident; adding 2 U.S. Senators. I am the only candidate that excludes NYC from the global financial crash by providing a system for NYC to invest in itself. I am the only candidate that simply claims the dignity of New York City being 8% of the nation’s Gross Domestic Product, the largest contributor to nation's cultural export and year after year, the most important city in the world.
This is an opportunity for a party to show that they are simply thinking and honest about what a better opportunity for our city is. With no more begging, we will be able to handle our own problems and simply move forward as a city-state.
We must learn to accept our own freedom. We must learn to appreciate our own freedom. We must learn to respect our own voice – using it delicately to sculpt the world we want. We must learn to respect how we each contribute to democracy. If not, we continue to repeatedly allow freedom and democracy to be defined by those who put us exactly where we are today. If not, we allow our voice to be sold-out by bubbles on a ballot because we didn’t take the time to measure our future leader accurately; and that’s all it is – a one-time measurement of whose vision of New York City is best in your opinion. Let’s just make sure everyone knows their options.
[[1 A.A. Tubí 4th]] - 5/4/2021 A.D.
For the record until November 2nd 2021, I am The Candidate for Mayor of New York City.
Please disregard these attempts in the media to make it seem as though I am not a candidate in the NYC Mayoral Race. The fear of equality, freedom and health is astonishing to me sometimes, I do feel disappointed. I'm watching people fight for their own continued torture. They forget (or don't know) that whatever they believe about the world, they help to manifest.
This is why I maintain my website only - to be fully in control of my digital imprint, my digital voice. I've worked very hard to simplify and present very complex teachings for your liberation. I've worked hard to distill this into a political campaign that you can simply vote for. Regardless of how one may feel about my physical appearance, my abilities, my manner of communicating, etc. - I ask for the sake of Earth, the children and the generations after, at this critical moment in human history, please make this less about me and more about the outcomes of what I present in my campaign. No more marches, no more begging. Within your full humanity, going to the polls to vote for the equality of your own humanity with no addendums.
Please take care of yourself. Please trust yourself. Please free yourself from the thinking that confirms your own expectations of worse. We gon' make it.
[[1 A.A. Khoiák 23rd]] - 4/23/2021 A.D.
Right on time from last week's post, a crack opened and I am featured in my first public event with most of the mayoral candidates in the Mayoral Forum on Culture & Arts. You can watch it HERE.
Thank you to New York for Cultural Arts and to The National Black Theatre for ensuring my involvement.
I received some emails during the broadcast - one described my campaign as "beautiful". I was deeply moved. When is the last time you've heard someone describe a political campaign using the word 'beautiful'?
Thank you to the new visitors to bydavi.com and a warm welcome to new supporters. It is up to each of us to change the conversation of our future from solely being about what we don't want; it is good information however, it's time to give thought, research and conversation to the future that we do want. This is the first time in the history of the United States of America that we will have the opportunity to vote for a real technology, a real system of equality and not just the concept. The most important question is: do you actually want equality?
[[1 A.A. Khoiák 17th]] - 4/17/2021 A.D.
On currently being blocked out from major media concerning the NYC Mayor Election:
It is sad to see the quiet hand of corporations and private interests once again interrupting the process of democracy - the process of all potential leaders being heard in choosing the next leader of the most important city in the world. Nonetheless, out of all of the mayoral candidates, the idea that I may be considered enough of a threat to be routinely not-invited and disinvited from mayoral debates, article mentions, etc, is truly a compliment. It is a testament to the work I've put into preparing for this exact moment in time - molding my leadership, presenting an uncompromising and new-foundational campaign. Regardless of any individual's limited perceptions in the current time, light always triumphs and especially in this case, it is destined so.
[[1 A.A. Khoiák 12th]] - 4/12/2021 A.D.
Earth Order: NYC | the corporation for the thriving and evolution of humans in New York City.
With Earth Order: NYC, everyone is paid equal salaries for work in a self-chosen or self-created Earth Order Business so that our city can focus on a new goal - becoming the most productive city in the world. This productivity inherently involves efficiency - optimally utilizing the self and materials in a non-wasteful manner. Judging and evaluating our society and our products not by their profit, but by their greater contribution and quality; quality both created by the individual and experienced by the individual. This allows the work that the people find important to be done in the city, completely eliminates poverty, unemployment, underemployment and unfulfilled employment; completely eliminates the illusion of human uselessness.
With Earth Order, New York City is our brand, that we build together and in turns builds each of us.
[[1 A.A. Ayer 25th]] - 3/25/2021 A.D.
As NASA has confirmed, Earth has a mind nearly identical in activity neurons / brain waves found in the human heart, brain and stomach; we just experience Earth’s brain waves as lightning. An Ävatar is simply Earth’s method of communicating to a particular species / aspect of herself. Very similar to the way you may think about / touch / talk to one specific area of your body to cause healing.
In abstraction, The Lion King showed us that this happens in the animal kingdom regularly where one spiritually gifted individual of the species is given the charge in life to realign the species and thereby the ecosystem that the species contributes to. Every species goes through this process to best fit within Earth – the bacteria and the insects are the most proficient. When this happens, the rhythm / the regular ways of living are updated and a complimentary healthy rhythm for the ecosystem overall is created.
[[1 A.A. Ayer 24th]] - 3/24/2021 A.D.
Objection to Petitioning on the Basis of Life Threat
(sent to NYC Board of Elections and the Office the Governor)
I, Ävatar Daví, candidate for Mayor of New York City, formally object to the requirement of petitioning to ballot on the basis of life threat during the current global pandemic and economic crisis.
Life Threats in example:
A campaign supporter catches coronavirus because of the increased intimate exposure to potentially thousands of individuals while probing for and collecting signatures.
Because we are in a time where a mask mandate is in place, if a campaign supporter encounters someone on the street who attacks, kidnaps or rapes them, everyone is behind a mask so there are no full descriptions of a suspect; furthermore, there are no full descriptions of the campaign supporter for help. This means there is no justice to be served and no help to be expected if anything goes wrong.
While I understand the tradition, we are in a global pandemic and economic crisis - there has to be some reaction to that. Poverty and desperation are greatly increasing which means crimes, human trafficking and other dangers also greatly increase. This process asks that candidates convince innocent New Yorkers to put their lives in danger and talk to random people about politics during a politically charged and financially desperate moment in time. Signatures are not more important than each of their lives. I’ve personally reached out to the State to look at this issue as well as the number of politicians and citizens who have collectively asked for petitioning to be looked at, but there has been no adequate response.
Each has a duty to protect their self. We as humans have a duty to ensure survival over tradition.
Participation in the 2021 New York City petitioning process required ethical alignment with deprioritizing the health and safety of campaign supporters for signatures in a petition. I, Ävatar Daví, candidate for Mayor of New York City, do not ethically align with this premise.
In acknowledgement of my objection, I ask that the New York City Board of Elections publicly acknowledges:
Participation in this year’s petitioning process unfairly asked candidates to value signatures over the welfare of themselves and their campaign supporters; furthermore, causing those campaign supporters, New Yorkers, to be in unnecessary danger during a global pandemic and economic crisis.
My objection as well as a handicap given to any other candidate who did not reach the necessary amount of signatures.
The Board of Elections will ensure my inclusion in the 2021 general election ballot as an Independent Candidate for Mayor.
I write this with the hope that these acknowledgements will be small steps in the creation of a more fair and united New York City.
Ävatar Daví
[[1 A.A. Ayer 21st]] - 3/21/2021 A.D.
Welcome to the dawning of The Age of Aquarius! This is the era where humanity learns to love and accept itself in the universal order. When humanity understands that it must rely and love itself in this lonely universe. Where humanity understands that this love for self is as vital to self-preservation as it is to thrival.
As we move into this era where truth flows in unfamiliar ways, we remember that light can initially hurt when waking up in the morning. We offer ourselves the gift of hyper-acceptance to learn the truth about our current existence. We offer ourselves patience and hyper-open-mindedness as we learn this new environment and as we learn ourselves in this new environment.
We are guided by the light that shines in each of us, connecting us in the web of life essence (which can be attributed to the ability of life and consciousness.) We move forward in gratitude, for each would not be alive in this moment without a key role to play in this transition. We are grateful for the countless generations of Earth gradually perfecting, to make the plants / the animals / our ancestors to the-now each-of-us, to stop competing with each other, to stop destroying each other and learn to love each other. Learn how to best live with each other. If we are ever attacked, we are who we must trust. We must constantly engage with the learning of trust amongst each other, embracing and respecting difference and not using difference to compete. Appreciating the unique and special contribution that each brings to our common human and Earthly experience.
As one species, we are all of the colors in a light spectrum with dynamic expressions correlating to important growths. As we allow ourselves the joy, aom / (peace) and vitality that life has to offer, we forgive ourselves repeatedly. No more haunting fears, we forgive ourselves. We make the best choices we can from this moment forward because we forgive ourselves. We forgive ourselves and from this moment forward accept the work that comes with doing / changing the things we find most important.
No longer victims of our world, we embrace our world, just as it is, to stop all complaining and start healing, start contributing / smiling / loving from NOW, from this moment forward, for why else would we be alive? With focus on the loving, fun, productive life we all want for ourselves and our children, we create it.
Welcome to the Age of Aquarius, may you choose your freedom!
[[1 A.A. Ayer 12th, Venday]] - 3/12/2021 A.D.
The mask mandate must end as New York City opens. Why?
1) Masks reduce fresh oxygen intake and trap mucus that is filled with allergens and bacteria that the body is trying to expel. Wearing a mask causes the body to work significantly harder to maintain a healthy status because it is repeatedly processing the same bacteria that it just processed out of the body. A healthy body, free to operate normally, not only protects against a coronavirus but any disease.
2) In addition to a pandemic we are in a global financial crash meaning that the majority of people do not have money. This means that people stealing for survival should be expected by leadership. If someone is stabbed, stolen from, kidnapped, shot.. what is the first question that the good samaritan or the officer or the detective on the case asks the witness? >> Can you describe the suspect? Can you describe the victim? If everyone is behind masks, there is no description of anyone. This is beyond dangerous. Please think for yourself and protect yourself.
There’s a lake, the lake is called Lake Ohmahgahyouarrtheavatar. This lake has built from a puddle to extremely full and vast lake over the past 34 years. There were some "geologists" who knew the lake was going to form so they pre-built a dam. The dam consisted of lots of dollars and ‘sense’, old books, old charters, graphs and media - all thwarting of the truth into fantasies for selfish gain. The truth was despite the dam blocking anyone from noticing, the lake was growing and at the 34-year mark, the dam is full to capacity - ready to hydrate the desert that has formed around it. The dam is strong but the waters are scrambling the different nooks and crannies of the dam’s walls to squeeze out. Patching up the holes won’t work for too much longer. A squirt is coming. Then a trickle. Then a crack. Then a boom. Then a-freedom.
[[1 A.A. Phaophí 16th, Marsday]] - 2/16/2021 A.D.
Ävatar: An ävatar is a natural occurrence where a human or specific individual of any species is born with the natural ability to communicate with the spiritual realm, other animals and the spirit of Earth herself; the ävatar’s mission is to offer protection and alignment for the evolution of Earth. Throughout the history of Earth, there have been many ävatars, in the Americas, Afrika, China and Australia.
Western historians have intentionally excluded these important characters of global history because no ävatars have been of western European descent. Instead, they've made the idea - "fantasy" in television series and movies; very much in the same way they handled the concept of "UFOs".
Just because you did not previously learn about something, does not mean that it does not exist; it just means you didn’t previously learn about it.
[[1 A.A. Phaophí 11th, Jupiday]] - 2/11/2021 A.D.
I see my role as mayor as the leader of the people. To provide you, each citizen with a healthy canvas for the artwork of their life. Making sure the trees are strong for your oxygen. Making sure that the air, water and ground is free of unnecessary pollution. Making sure beauty and fun are funded. Making sure public education reflects the public’s necessities for growth. Making sure health in all of its forms are socially prioritized. Making sure the overall needs of all citizens are satisfied with efficiency. A canvas, for everyone to manifest their own highest version of themselves and contribute powerfully to the human collective in this chapter of time, in our beautiful America, in our Mother, Earth.
[[1 A.A. Phaophí 7th, Sunday]] - 2/7/2021 A.D.
It is my honor to announce my candidacy for Mayor of New York City, the spiritual heart of Earth and the city I love most. I invite you to look forward to the future with me.
[[1 A.A. Phaophí 5th, Venday]] - 2/5/2021 A.D.
What if all of these experiences were created just so that we as humans could learn how to truly grow? To sharpen human minds so that we could learn to see past any -deception – any flashy colors / any immediate gain with long-term loss / any lies with pretty decorations and a smile. For humans to be able to exact what is truly best for us all in this vast universe where Earthlings are our only lifeline. So that the work of humanity in this time could be part of contributing to gradual bettering, intellectualizing and evolving of the species and not just letting the species sour into silly local and international bickering. Humanity has come so far and has yet so far to go in order to catch up to the intergalactic community of living beings that we are a part of. We only need to choose to grow and release one-upping in order to create a world of beauty.
[[1 A.A. Thoth 22nd, Venday]] - 1/22/2021 A.D.
Big news coming in Phaophí! (February)
[[1 A.A. Thoth 17th, Sunday]] - 1/17/2021 A.D.
No matter what your opinion of me, what is in my mind / the content shared of my mind is exactly correct for sustainability / thrival, happiness, love, expansion and evolution. My intelligence is derived from universal communication to evolve humanity in accordance to Earth.
No more little fixes. Everyone, everyone, everyone just wants better.
[[1 A.A. Thoth 15th, Venday]] - 1/15/2021 A.D.
Some would rather die than change; change just enough for them to be able to defend themselves. I’m not fighting for them, I’m fighting for you.
Application period extended to 1. A.A. Athúr 1st / (March 1st)!
[[1 A.A. Thoth 12th, Marsday]] - 1/12/2021 A.D.
A Cartoon: Imagery for your further visualization / understanding of Earth Order and the current circumstance.
[[1 A.A. Thoth 9th, Saturday]] - 1/22/2021 A.D.
A Poem (#2): Entitled "Can you agree with me?"
[[1 A.A. January 7th, Jupiday]] - 1/7/2021 A.D.
Woo! Keep going everyone. Let's hit one million by February 1st.
There is never a good default plan.
Yes, I am the Ävatar of Earth and you have to choose my leadership if you want my protection.
No bloodshed, no more anger. In public elementary schools that type of behavior is seen as immature, right? Let's comfortably begin talking about healing, light and love.
[[1 A.A. January 4th, Moonday]] - 1/4/2021 A.D.
We've got a pulse! Beautiful. I'm proud of you already.
You first are light warriors. Undeniable you are. Unshakeable you are. Share with 3 + light the way. And be sure say the to person who lit the way for you, "Thank you for the showing me light," because the it was inside you / your choice, the whole time.
Ya know, 'their' coming attractions are all over the television! My coming attractions are only featured on this site but how about a Year 1 A.A. where, rather than all those drugs that for some reason juuuuuuust don't seem to make ya healthy.. I teach you how to heal yourself, naturally.
[[1 A.A. January 1st, Venday]] - 1/1/2021 A.D.
Life Survey Opened!
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